Join or Renew Your Membership


  • Access to and discounts to professional development activities
  • Voice in developing plans, policy advice and response to decisions made by all levels of government, land managers and government departments
  • Contribute to data and research to enhance positioning of nature-based outdoor activities in decision-making
  • Access to regular communication from other state and nation-wide nature based organisations
  • Enhanced recognition and visibility of organisations who play a significant social, economic, employment, cultural, conservation, health and quality of life benefits to the State
  • Access to government, philanthropic and not for profit grants to support activities of organisations
  • Development of collective signage and other media to support the sector
  • Partnership with government and non-government agencies strengthening relationships in the sector




A sound financial membership base allows NBONSA to undertake its charter unencumbered by any obligations to undertake non-aligned activities to maintain financial viability.


As outlined in the NBONSA constitution, each Nature Based Outdoor Activity Organisation is entitled to one membership. It is then up to each member organisation to nominate a representative, although additional representatives may attend meetings as an observer or proxy.


Membership fees for each organisation are self-nominated and then reviewed by the NBONSA committee before approval. Ideally each organisation’s fee reflects the financial turnover, participant and/or financial member numbers and staff numbers. In other words, the fee should reflect the organisations capacity to pay as well as receive more direct and indirect benefits to the organisation. If an organisation is willing and able financially, they are welcome to select a higher tier of membership to support the establishment and work of NBONSA.


The following is a guide only and individual organisation circumstances will vary.


Small organisation – generally a small turnover with fewer staff of below 5 staff. However, small businesses with many occasional staff and not-for-profit organisations that have many volunteers and a small turnover might nominate for this category.


Medium organisation – generally an organisation with 5-15 staff and sound turnover. However, businesses with more occasional staff and not-for-profit organisations that have larger staff and modest turnover might nominate for this category.


Large organisation – generally an organisation that has 16+ staff and more substantial million dollar or more turnover. Larger not for profit organisations with substantial returns would usually nominate for this category.


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